Pastors Russ & Stephanie Cripps
Russ & Stephanie Cripps are the Pastors of Acacia Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Over the last 12 years, they have built a God-centered, Holy Spirit filled church. They love people and are committed to seeing the vision God gave them……
Meet the Team!
Trey & Talesha Brown
LifeGroups & First Impressions
Trent & Heather Jayroe
Admin & Campus Support
Grant & Jordan Falcon
Next Generation
Aubree Bland
Creative & Production
We exist to inspire hope for a better life through Christ.
Our Mission.
"So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery (to your old ways)." Galatians 5:1 We teach about freedom in Jesus in our Discovery classes. This 3-part series shares not only the story of Jesus but also the stories of Acacians who have found that freedom.
"And all the believers met together... worshipped together... met in homes... and shared their meals with great joy." Acts 2:44-46 For over 2,000 years, believers in christ have not only worshipped together but shared their lives together. They had more than Christ in common - they were part of a greater community. And that's exactly what you'll find at AcaciaChurch. Every week across the Greater Baton Rouge area, you'll find LifeGroups - small groups of Acacians - hanging out, talking about life, sharing their stories, and enjoying the company of other believers. Each group has a different focus, from studying the Old Testament to finding the best burger in town. At their core, they are all about creating relationships that matter.
"They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others. By doing this they will...experience true life." 1 Timothy 6:18-19 Whoever you are, God gave you a unique set of gifts and skills We believe that you find true spiritual fulfillment when you share those gifts in service to others. You are wired to help others. It's in your DNA. It's the way He made you. But until you start using your gifts to help others, you'll never know what it's like. (And take our word for it: it's life-changing!)
Our Beliefs.
While this brief web description is not the totality of our doctrinal beliefs, this will give you a quick snapshot. We believe that doctrine is more lived than written.
In short: Humans are broken due to this thing called “sin.” Sin is anything that ultimately leads you further away from Jesus instead of leading closer to Him. The sole basis for how God saves us from our sin is found in the Bible, which is uniquely God-inspired and is the final authority on all matters on which it speaks.
As a quick overview, the Bible teaches, there is one God. God has revealed Himself in three primary and personal ways. God, the Father of all, created humans to have fellowship with him, but they defied God by sinfully going their own way, therefore severing that relationship. As a result, we need God's saving grace to end our separation from Him. Salvation comes by faith through God's grace - not human effort. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, yet fully God, lived a sinless life on earth and voluntarily paid for our sins by dying on the cross as our substitute. This accomplished salvation for all who receive grace by trusting in Him as the Scriptures have said. He rose from the dead and is the only mediator between God and us. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, also fully God, fills and equips all believers for personal and spiritual growth as well as service to the Church and the Kingdom of God as described in the Scriptures.
We believe that one's journey with our Creator begins with life-changing faith placed in God that He can save you and wants to save you! That faith leads to repentance that leads to the experiencing of the fullness of water and Spirit baptism as the original Apostles of Christ taught… AND IT KEEPS GETTING BETTER… all of that beauty leads to the beauty of a life of "followership," which allows the teachings of Jesus to be brought into the reality of your everyday life. At Acacia, we celebrate both the MOMENT of salvation and the MOVEMENT in your life salvation brings!
We are available anytime to address any additional questions you may have. Email us or call us.
Our Name…. Acacia
Acacia (uh-ka'-shuh) is the type of wood that was used to build the Ark of the Covenant back in the Old Testament (see Exodus 25). The Ark of the Covenant was symbolic of two primary things - the Mercy Seat of God and the Presence of God. At Acacia, we hope to facilitate an environment where the Presence of God is so real that everyone there realizes they have access to the Mercy of God.
We are a group of Spirit-led, Spirit-filled, Spirit-driven people who are hopelessly in love with Jesus Christ. We are a group of passionate, growing disciples who don't have it all figured out, and we are willing to take any risk necessary to further His Kingdom.